Recharge, Reset , Refresh
Why you shouldn't just REST this winter break and take the time to Recharge, Reset, and Refresh.

Secrets for Success this School Year
Back to School season is here so you better be ready. Don't let yourself reach burnout too early this year!

Alternative Assessments
The Benefits of alternative assessments
- They give students more autonomy over their work
- They allow students to express their creativity
- They help students retain the information better than a traditional test
To learn how you can use alternative assessments in your classroom continue reading on.

I am a firm believer that there's a planning method for everyone.
Digital. Paper. Combo.
Here are my tips and tricks for curriculum, lessons, and life planning.

Effective Testing
Reframe the way you give a test.
Many students struggle with traditional testing. What if we could find a way to asess our students using the traditional "pen and paper test.